Saturday, 9 August 2014


Like the last post, the beginning of this post is going off on a little tangent.. I'm currently sat in the porch of a cottage, in the middle of nowhere, stealing the pub next door's wifi.. 

We set off at 1am this morning and went to the ferry terminal in Liverpool where we had to wait about an hour and a bit.. This would have been fine, I mean, we had music, food, drinks.. But of course I was the one who had the bladder of a 3 year old at the time and I really needed a wee.. NO TOILETS TO BE SEEN! So I spent most of the time waiting to get on the ferry dancing in the back seat of the car..

As soon as we got on the boat, we got our cabin keys and went straight to bed.. It was cold, loud and /SO/ uncomfortable. I slept maybe an hour in full over the 6 hour sail.. When we woke up, my dad went to get breakfast while me and my mum got ready and by that time we were nearly in Dublin Port. When we finally got to the port, the boat was already 15 minutes late.. To add to that, we had to wait another 45 minutes waiting for someone to open the door to let us back to the cars. So we were all pretty p*ssed about that. When we finally got off of the boat we had a 4-5 hour car journey ahead of us and my god.. The only reason I'm sane at the moment is because I was listening to music.. 

We finally got to our destination at around 4:25pm and the first thing we did after putting the bags in was go to the pub and say hi to everyone we know here.. Me and my mum went a different pub after a while and we had Chicken Curry Half and Half (chips and rice) and went back to the pub where my dad was. At the moment, my parents are now sleeping while I'm writing this post, sitting in the conservatory of a little cottage, stealing somebody else's Wi-Fi.. Muahahahaha!


The second themed post will be about the worst movie I've ever seen and why.. Now I think this one is quite difficult because I don't think I've ever seen a movie which I've literally hated.. 

My mum hates The Matrix because she somehow doesn't understand the story..

My brother hates The Hunger Games (the b*stard) just because I love it..

I don't think my dad hates any films really..

But for me, I think I'd have to go for Team America.. You know the puppet one? I have nothing against puppets, I used to love watching Captain Scarlet and the Thunderbirds puppet version but something about Team America seriously grinds my gears. Maybe its the fact that my brother finds it hilarious how the producers have tried to make the puppets have sex and I'll just be sitting there like, "What the actual f*ck!?" It doesn't even have a storyline! Thunderbirds, they're a family who save the world.. Captain Scarlet's storyline I can't remember for the life of me, but Team America? No. So yeah, I think its safe to say that Team America is the worst movie I've ever seen..

Anyone agree with me? Anybody disagree with me? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this topic and your reasons for them!

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