Sunday, 3 August 2014


Hey guys, I'm back again! Little update on whats going on in my life. Since I've finished school I haven't been doing a thing. Seriously. All I've done is play on my Xbox and maybe go to my boyfriends (lets call him C from now on..) house but that is it. 

Anyway, yesterday was a friend from school's 18th and me and C went along with quite a few other people we know. It's safe to say it was eventful.. When we first got there the bar wasn't even open and me and C were the only people from our school there. We weren't early, we were later than the actual start time so everyone else was just later..

After maybe 10 minutes a few of our friends came and we sat there for a while talking as we waited for the bar to open and soon enough it did so everyone went up to get drinks. C went up to get me one, but then I had to go up with my ID just so /he/ could buy it for me.. So that took the piss.. 

Then unsurprisingly, another friend came who said he wasn't coming earlier in the day. I pestered him for maybe 10 minutes about 20 minutes before it was starting telling him he had to come because he'd regret it if he didn't and with a little pushing from another friend of his, he came! And as far as I know he had a good time so all is well that ends well or whatever that saying is..

A few hours into the party, one of my friends was being stalked/pestered by a girl who thought they were together.. (they weren't) and she wouldn't leave him alone.. Then much to everyones surprise she ended pulling another lad for a few minutes, only stopping for maybe 5 seconds to catch her breath.. Honestly, I don't know why but I've never laughed so much.. I couldn't stop. Her friends then came out of the toilets and pulled her away and then I think they went home but the lad involved was pretty pleased with himself I think.

The same guy towards the end of the night had the alcohol hit him like a tonne of bricks i think because one minute he was fine, the next he was going all floppy and nearly falling asleep next to me. Me and C swapped places because I just knew he was gonna throw up and before we knew it, he did.. It wasn't nice.

Now guys and girls have different ways of dealing with throwing up because all the girls were taking pictures of him and laughing and all the guys were trying to help him. They finally managed to get him to the toilets and then 5 minutes later security was carrying him outside while the bar staff cleaned up. Apparently he couldn't stand and about 5 people had to try and get him into a car so i think that would have been funny to watch.

After he went everything died down a little and soon we all left. While in the taxi me and C decided we're going to see Guardians of The Galaxy tomorrow and I'm not quite sure what to think of it from the advert. It looks a little weird but cool at the same time so I'll just have to see.. Afterwards we're going for a pub lunch or maybe just a drink so overall it should be a good day. :)

Have any of you guys got any stories of nights out to tell?
Have any of you seen Guardians of The Galaxy because I'd love your opinions on it too!

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