Friday, 15 August 2014


I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before but a while back I came up with an idea for a project I'd like to do. It's a website idea really that to me, is a good idea. But I need your advice on it as well because in turn I'm making it for you guys as well.

This is the idea so far and what you see in the photo is all I've coded so far. Basically, the idea is;

  • I want to create a website which is just for Vloggers, whether its personal vlogs or fashion vlogs or any type of vlogs.
  • The reason I want to create it just for vloggers is because for a while now, I've wanted tvlog but I've been too nervous too because of the sheer size of YouTube because no matter how many times you tell yourself, I don't care what anyone else thinks of me, you always worry about what people are going to say about you. That's what I'm worried about.
  • So I thought, that wouldn't happen as much in a place where everybody wants to do the same thing, vlog. So I started to code it and so for I think it's turning out pretty good. I'm going to call it VlogLog as you can see.
If you guys could give me your opinions on this it'd be great because I really need your help with this. So whether its something you like or something you don't like, could you comment on what you think? Also, could you guys tell me things you think it would be good to have on the site because that would help too.


The reason the title is plural and not single "Project" is because I have another idea in mind. But I need to talk to C about it because I need him to be involved with it for it to work.


If you guys could comment on your thoughts on/of VlogLog, it'd be great. :D

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