Wednesday, 6 August 2014


I'm going on holiday on Saturday at 1am.. Now I would be excited for this as it's a holiday.. but 1am!? No thank you parents! Me and my mum and dad are going to Ireland for a week anyway, we love it there. It's so peaceful and the views are just amazing, I'm taking photo's so you can expect photos when I get back :)

Anyway, C is in work tomorrow and friday so today was the last day I could see him before I go. I would say we made plans, but where we live there is nothing to do. I mean nothing unless you have money or have a car and can drive, to which I have neither so when trying to figure out what to do, he said he needed to get new strings for his guitars. This is a better plan than any I could think of so we decided that we would spend the day getting strings for his guitars.. Exciting I know!

We got the train to the "shopping centre" (birkenhead) and we walked around until we got to the shop he wanted to go in, to find it was closed for maintenance.. So we started to walk back to the train station when he goes "I'm hungry.. Are you?"  I hadn't even considered food so it took me a while to decide whether I was hungry enough for anything and decided I was. We'd passed a few cafe's on the way to the shop so we had to walk all the way around again to get to this one he liked called Pallets or something.

I swear to god I had the nicest duck wrap ever.. It was amazing. This is the reason the title is what it is.. Because it was a wasted adventure really, because we spent money to go to a shop that was closed.. But then it wasn't so wasted because I had the nicest duck wrap ever.. You know me and my food ;)

Have you travelled anyway for something and got let down but then the journey was worth it because something else happened? Tell me, I wanna know!

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