Tuesday, 12 August 2014


To be honest, I'm not much of a liar, I can't lie. The corner of my lip twitches, or I laugh, or I can't keep eye contact with the person I'm lying to. So whats the point in lying when I can't get away with it? Due to this, I'm going to tell you a lie I told when I was in like, year 2 maybe. So I was about 6?

Anyway, in my primary school, the teachers did this thing were if you needed the toilet, you moved your name from a board onto the toilet space so they knew where they were and if another kid could go or not. This one time I needed the toilet and being the impatient person I am, I went to ask the teacher if I could go the toilet. They looked at the board and saw that another girl was there so they said no and I went away in a huff..

I then came up with this plan which was to move the girls name off of the board even though she wasn't back and ask again. So I did it and then went to ask again and as the teacher looked at the board, they saw there was no name so they said yes. I put my name on the toilet spot and went. Now when I got back, the teacher pulled me aside and started having a go at me because I went to the toilet the same time as somebody else. I mean, how could you shout at me for needing the toilet? Geez.

Anyway, our school had this system that if you were good all week and had no "consequences" you got a little certificate at the end of the week saying well done. (I got 2 consequences throughout my whole time at primary.) The teacher gave me a consequence and wrote my name on the board, I can't remember if i cried or not, I probably did..

At the end of the week, everyone who had no consequences got their certificates and there was me with no certificate. When my mum and dad picked me up, they were like "where's your certificate?" and I just said, "I put it in my bag already.." (ANOTHER LIE!?) and walked to the car with them. 

I know its not a huge lie and now I just laugh at it, but at the time I probably cried and felt really bad about lying to my mum and dad, cause I was pretty much a nerd and loved being the teachers pet.. :S

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