Saturday, 26 April 2014

4-Day Blog Hiatus

As you can see by the title of this post, I've been on basically a 4-day hiatus.. From the last few posts I made I mentioned that my parents had gone on holiday and that was basically the reason for the hiatus all together. I mean, since they've been away, all I've done is sit in my living room, eat (£40 worth of ordering in), drink water, play on the Xbox. Just not that much has been going on, so I didn't think what I could write would be enough for you all, you know?

Anyway, my parents are back home now. So hopefully I'm going to have more thrilling and exciting posts for you all. I promise.

Tuesday, 22 April 2014


Hello! Sorry I haven't been here for a few days! My parents are still on holiday and my brother has been drinking every single day. Fortunately enough, me and his friends actually get on so it's all good!

Me and one of his friends, S we'll call him have been playing the game Split/Second. It's a racing game with a twist. Have you seen the film Death Race? It's a lot like that, where as you're racing, you can blow things up to stop or slow down your opponents. Anyway, I'm better at the actual races, so i do all of those, and S is good at all other types of play, so he does all them. 

Then me and another friend of my brothers, let's call him J, we're talking about tattoos. He has an incomplete half sleeve and wants more, and i want them too. We ended up just talking about who we thought would suit tattoos and just talking about them in general. Overall, it's been a pretty good few days. 

Saturday, 19 April 2014


I'm not the only girl in the world with an annoying brother whose even more annoying when he's drinking right? Any other time he treats me like crap, and i treat him like crap back (but hey, we're family right?). But when he's drinking, he just decides all of a sudden i can't look after myself and it's so annoying.

I mean i love him and everything, but he's such a contradicting person, i can't deal with it. 

Please tell me some of you have to deal with this too?

Friday, 18 April 2014


IM HOME ALONE! (With my brother..) Okay, okay. Technically I'm not home alone but my parents are here with us, so I'm counting it as home alone!

So yeah, my parents have gone on holiday to Ireland for week and this is the longest they've left me home in my life.. Last year, they had a bit of a tester when they went away in March/April and it went pretty bad. For my brother anyway. He likes to go out and party and one night he didn't come back.. I mean, my mum hates it when he does that and she's home, so can you imagine her reaction when she was away and he did it? 

Anyway, apparently they were near flying home that day because of it, but they didn't. When they got back (while i was in school) they had a go at my brother.. And i mean had a go at. My dad was furious and I'm glad i wasn't there to witness it. (Violence is not the answer! Only loud words!) 

Anyway, i hope this time goes better and as usual, I've done nothing today.. Ordered tea in about an hour ago, Fried chicken, chips and onion rings. So delicious.

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

16TH APRIL 2014

Today was also a quite an uneventful day. I FINALLY HAD MY LIE IN THOUGH. 11:30! Thank god, i really needed it. I immediately went on FIFA haha! You probably think I'm such a boring person, and honestly, i am! 

I had my headphones in while I was playing and when i took them off, i heard my mum speaking to someone and wondered into the living. My cousin and her kids came over! They're both so adorable! One's a ginge, like me! The other has really curly blonde hair.  So i spent some time in the living room with them before going back into my room and playing on minecraft with my friend until maybe half an hour ago. Now I'm back on FIFA haha! I know it's not a very good post, but that's all i can think of.. APOLOGIES!

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

APRIL 15TH 2014

The reason that the title of this post is a date, today's date to be precise, is because that's what I'm going to talk about. Today, my day etc etc. I've decided that when I can't think of a "topic" to talk about, I'll talk about my day and stuff. So yeah, here's my day.

I woke up at around 10am, which I was extremely disappointed about. I mean, I'd gotten up about 7am Saturday, Sunday and yesterday and I had told myself that I was going to have a lie-in. To me, a lie-in is midday, so before you even say that it is a lie-in to wake up at 10am, it isn't to me. 

When I did get out of bed though, I didn't really know what I was going to do, I mean, I find holidays so boring because my social life is so dull and I don't have any hobbies to be honest. Anyway, I checked Instagram and I saw a picture than Jonathan Joly had posted of his new baby son Eduardo and thought "Oh, I know! Lets watch SacconeJoly videos all day!" and that's what I did! I connected my iPad YouTube to my Xbox YouTube and watched them for a few hours.

Then I watched the Hillsborough Memorial on the news. Justice for the 96. There's not really much I can say about it. It was beautiful. After it had finished though, I started playing FIFA ironically and have been doing that ever since, even though its been a nice day.

And then very recently, I've just taken some pictures of a really cool yellow moon! It really is yellow / orange but you know, same difference. It took me ages to get a good picture though and it turns out all I needed to do was put the flash on! :')

Told you so! ;)

Monday, 14 April 2014


You're probably wondering why I've done a post about pain and injuries, but last night I sneezed and bit my tongue when I did, and it bruised! It still hurts! So I decided to go through all the "bad" injuries I can remember getting.. 

And so we begin!

When I was about 1, my brother left the baby gate open on the stairs and being 1 ish, I was a littler adventurer. I climbed up the first 4 stairs and then my mum shouted me from the top and I looked up at her. As you may have noticed, baby's are quite top heavy and as I looked up, I fell backwards down the stairs, landing on my head, bum, you name it, I probably landed on it. My dad said he thought I was dead from the way I landed but fortunately enough I'm still here to tell the tale today and got out of that with just a fractured arm!


When I was about 8, me and my brother were on a field surrounded by trees around the corner from my house. Now being me, I was adventurous and climbed one of the trees.. (Get ready for it) Climbing up was the fine bit, I got up there fine and I was content up there for a while and then on the way down, it all went to pot. I don't even know what happened myself. One minute I was climbing down and the next I was falling to the ground. Then somehow I turned from my back to the ground to my face to the ground and hit the floor. Bad enough I landed on my face and my nose was pouring with blood (not broken though!) I landed in a nettle bush didn't I? Ouch isn't even the word.


I've had a lot of injuries in school over the time I was there, like most children. But there have only been a few "memorable" ones.. The only one from primary school that I can remember was when I fell over twice on the same day, in the exact same place in the playground and injured the exact same part of my knee. (You can call me unlucky..) There have also been two memorable times in secondary school where I've been injured. One time, we were playing bench hockey (if that's what it's even called) and our team won. (Yay, go us!) Anyway, I went into the middle of the gym and went to pick up the puck and this guy got really angry and swung his stick as I bent down. It was both of our faults really as I got in the way and he got too angry which all in all ended up with me getting hit in the face with the hockey stick.. I've also been hit in the face with a rounders ball, and I must say, both of these occasions have been quite painful. 

Talking about painful though, I tend to find that the smallest injuries cause the most pain. Like when you get a paper cut and it stings for ages or when you catch your little toe on the corner of a cupboard or stand on a Lego piece and it kills.. I nearly cry every time!

Anyway, what injuries have you ever had? What's the worst you've had or the most painful?

Sunday, 13 April 2014


Over the last few days, I've been helping my dad fix and clean up his boat. That mainly the reason I haven't been here. Because I've been getting up at stupid o'clock in the morning and working my ass off all day. This fact is over-ruled by the fact that he's paying me and he gives me a lot of food. So I'm set. (Food bribery happens all the time. I LOVE IT!) 

Anyway, yesterday I was buzzing the deck down, making it as smooth as possible so my dad could paint it today and I got covered, and I mean covered in blue dust. My eyebrows were blue and everything. 

Today, I was polishing the outside of the boat so it was shiny and stuff for tomorrow and then I got put on cleaning duty. I'M NOT GOOD AT CLEANING! It takes me about 3 hours to clean my room (put things in drawers and cupboards) and its the smallest room of the house. But they gave me this industrial vacuum and I had to climb into these holes in the deck and suck out all of the dust and water with this vacuum. And now I'm knackered..

On a completely different story, LIVERPOOL BEAT MAN CITY! While on the boat we put the match on the radio and I was ecstatic when they scored their first two goals in the first half, and then after half time, Man City scored two and I felt like crying.. Then Liverpool scored again! Now we're 5 points in the lead I think, it just depends on the outcome of the Chelsea match today, fingers crossed!

Friday, 11 April 2014


Firstly, I'd like to apologize for not posting recently, I have no idea why I haven't, so I'm sorry. 

Secondly, I WENT TO THE GADGET SHOW LIVE ON WEDNESDAY! Oh my god it was so amazing! We met up at school at like 8am.. -.- and left to go to the NEC in Birmingham. It took almost 3 hours to get there, but it would have been 2 if we hadn't spent so much time in McDonalds.. What can I say, we like food. 

Anyway, when we got there we had to go straight to the live show we were booked in for at 11:30am and basically ran there. Now, I'm gonna apologize beforehand for the terrible quality of the photo's. I should have taken my camera instead of just taking my phone (LG). Anyway, here are a few photo's..

There were so many people!

There were also these girls that came out with flaming batons and they were twirling them around. I didn't expect it at all.

And then the presenters popped out of a cake!! 

These guys were also there, they're actually amazing. They dance in full darkness as their suits have neon lights on. If you haven't seen them before, they're called the Wrecking Crew Orchestra. Give them a watch!

The Maverick Slacklines were also there! It was so amazing seeing what they can do on just  "a flat line of webbing" as they call it. 

After the show we walked around for about 3 hours, looking at everything that was there. It went from 5D simulators to camera's and waterproof phones to Google glass. It was absolutely amazing! I'd recommend everyone to go.

Sunday, 6 April 2014


 Yaaaaaaaaaaay! My life has gotten near enough back to normal! If you've read my previous posts, you'll have saw that my two first posts basically explained the hell that I called my life.. Yeah, it sucked. Big time.

Anyway, recently in the last week maybe, I've gotten on speaking terms with everyone who was ignoring me, some more than others. However, a few other people who aren't even involved have decided that they're going to talk about me behind my back and pretend they know what happened, which they don't. Oh well. Fortunately enough I don't speak to them much so I can just shut them out!

And a new little update too, over the last few years, I've come up with many different little story ideas that I'd like to turn into books. But just like half an hour ago, I decided that because I also like drawing, I'm going to turn one into a graphic novel. I don't know how well this is going to go but, let's just see haha!

Saturday, 5 April 2014


Today was the only ever time in the year that I (or more so, my dad) put a bet on! It was always around the beginning of April that I always start asking, "What date is the national on?" "Can I pick horses?"  "How many?". Every single time my dad always says to me, don't pick a horse just because you like the name, they'll never win. Guess what I did every time?

Picked a horse because I liked the name.. BUT ever since I was little I've always done it, and recently for the past few years, I've been getting money from my horses coming in the top 3-5! This year was more difficult though, none of the horse' names popped out to me so I really didn't know who to pick! 

In the end, I picked Rocky Creek and Double Seven, which came 3rd and 5th! My dad said i'll end up getting £19 which is okay, I got £32 last year though I think..

How did you all do? Did you bet at all? What horses? and how much did you win?

Friday, 4 April 2014


It's Friday again and I've never been happier about it being a Friday in my life. Anyway, like I said last Thursday or Friday, every Friday was now going to be Fact Friday! (Stupid, I know right) But I was reading something before I started this blog and it said something about having a sort of schedule when it comes to blogs and vlogs. Something like Throwback Thursday on twitter, and this was the first thing I could think of. Anyway, the fact I found for today was;

"Dr. Seuss coined the word nerd in his 1950 book 'If I Ran The Zoo'" 

I found this interesting because a few of the older authors, like Shakespeare, JRR Tolkien and now Dr. Seuss have all created words or other materials for their books. Dr. Seuss shocked me though because for Shakespeare and Tolkien, it is more understandable for them to make up words. I mean, Tolkien wrote about elves, dwarves, dragons etc all while he was fighting in the war. 

Because I know Dr. Seuss as a child's writer (The Cat in The Hat, The Lorax, etc) making up words would be slightly pointless as children don't really understand many words to begin with, never mind made up ones. 

Another reason this interested me was because I honestly class myself as a nerd or a dork or something because of how many slightly weird and childish things I like, such as Marvel, Pokemon and computers. To find out that a word I describe myself as was made up by one of the most creative men of all time in my opinion just makes me like the word even more. It's brilliant!

Thursday, 3 April 2014


Surely everyone has those couple of things that really annoy them right? Well, as you may tell from the title, I'm about to tell you mine!

1. Grammatical Errors - I don't even know why this annoys me, its just when I see someone of Facebook or Twitter and they can't spell or "Rite lyk dis." I have an overwhelming urge to find them and hit them in the face with a dictionary. 

2. When people don't turn the taps off fully - I can't be the only one who gets extremely annoyed when someone don't turn it tight enough and it just trickles. The noise itself is annoying but I seem to be the only person in the house who can hear it!

3. When a family member leaves my bedroom door open when they leave - If my door was closed before you came in, HOW HARD IS IT TO CLOSE IT AGAIN ON THE WAY OUT!?

4. When a family member leaves my light on when they leave - This is exactly the same as number 3, TURN IT OFF!

5. Being tickled - I'm sure many of my friends can back me up with this, but I seem to be the most ticklish person in the world! In school my friends just poke my sides or actually tickle me and I burst out laughing and usually end up on the floor, but it's weird, because I like it but don't like it.. O.o

6. When people get details wrong about books or films i like - I don't even know why, I know nobody knows everything about everything but I find myself correcting people a lot.

7. Getting distracted - If I'm getting really into a book or a film and I have all of my concentration on it, I will literally ignore everyone until someone annoys me to the point where I snap at them. Let's just say I'm not good at multi-tasking, but when I get into something I don't want to be distracted, is that too much to ask?

8. When someone tries or does take my food or my phone - When i have both things I get very protective. It's not like I have anything bad on my phone, I just like knowing it's my position or near me. When it comes to food, well.. First rule of being my friend, my food is /my/ and if you ask for some I will most likely say no, I just love it too much.

9. When my mum cleans my room - OH MY GOD. I hate it so much. Yes, by the time she has to clean it, it's a complete mess but I /know/ where everything is in there. Then I'll come home from Sixth Form and find it brand spanking new and I have /no/ clue where anything is. 

That's pretty much all I can think of at the moment, but comment with peeves that you have or if you agree with any of mine! Thanks!

Wednesday, 2 April 2014


Now, I'm getting back to the whole, you getting to know me as an anonymous person thing. I've decided to tell you 30 facts about me.

1. I'm naturally ginger.
2. I'm currently studying IT and Applied Science for my A Levels. (Now you can guess my age!)
3. I'm an avid book reader. 
4. I have no pets.. (much to my disappointment. :'( )
5. I don't wear make up, ever. (Honest truth.)
6. I get angry extremely easily.
7. I'm not afraid to speak my mind.
8. My favourite foods are Curry and Steak.
9. I don't like ice cream, milkshake etc.. (Anything that's basically flavoured milk)
10. I really really like hats.
11. I enjoy writing.
12. I know hardly anything about myself. (Except these facts of course.)
13. I'm a sarcastic b*tch.
14. I can be very persuasive when I want something or something to be done.
15. I want to be in the military and would also like to start my own business.
16. I hate my laugh.
17. I have an annoyingly high standard for guys.. (Hence why I'm single.)
18. I get embarrassed a lot. 
19. I'm very independent.
20. I'm lazy and never motivated, except when it comes to sport.
21. I'm very competitive.
22. I'm stubborn. Extremely.
23. I'm not the type to dress up and go out.
24. I can't walk in heels.
25. I find the littlest things hilarious.
26. I don't take compliments well.
27. I cry over fictional characters and have an obsession with Ancient Greece and dinosaurs.
28. I would love to travel the world.
29. I'm dramatic and have been described as quirky.
30. Completely and utterly mental.

Agree with any of these things? Want to know anything else? Drop a comment, it'd be greatly appreciated! :D

Tuesday, 1 April 2014


Due to my love for writing and my stupid low self-esteem, I've wanted to start a blog for ages. Countless times I've made them and they've ended up going nowhere because of one of two things;

  1. I've completely given up because I believed the blog was inadequate and that nobody was reading.
  2. I have completely forgotten about the whole thing and have also forgot the password.
Anyway, recently, I've started watching YouTube vlogs again and it just made me realise how much I actually missed writing down what happened in my day and how everything made me feel. But also, due to blogging there have been a few problems I am facing;
  1. I have no idea who to follow! Bloglovin' is such a great help and it lets me keep an eye on the blogs I'm interested in. 
  2. Most of the blogs I can see on there are to do with fashion, and if you ever met me, you'd understand that I'm the furthest away from fashion a girl can ever be. I would rather pull on some skinny jeans, trainers and a hoodie than pull on a dress, high heels, do my hair up etc.
  3. Bloglovin' also has trouble telling me how many people are following my account. The actual counter tells me I have 6 at the moment, but when I actually click to see who they are, it only shows 4, I mean, what the hell!?
  4. I have no idea what to write about! Yes, I suppose I could write things like my bucket list or pet peeves or something, but there's only so much you guys will want to read about me, and I don't have a very interesting life at the moment. 
Since a few of you have been here for a while, could you guys give me any advice?
When you started, what did you write about?
Plus, does your bloglovin' account have any of the same problems mine does?