Wednesday, 2 April 2014


Now, I'm getting back to the whole, you getting to know me as an anonymous person thing. I've decided to tell you 30 facts about me.

1. I'm naturally ginger.
2. I'm currently studying IT and Applied Science for my A Levels. (Now you can guess my age!)
3. I'm an avid book reader. 
4. I have no pets.. (much to my disappointment. :'( )
5. I don't wear make up, ever. (Honest truth.)
6. I get angry extremely easily.
7. I'm not afraid to speak my mind.
8. My favourite foods are Curry and Steak.
9. I don't like ice cream, milkshake etc.. (Anything that's basically flavoured milk)
10. I really really like hats.
11. I enjoy writing.
12. I know hardly anything about myself. (Except these facts of course.)
13. I'm a sarcastic b*tch.
14. I can be very persuasive when I want something or something to be done.
15. I want to be in the military and would also like to start my own business.
16. I hate my laugh.
17. I have an annoyingly high standard for guys.. (Hence why I'm single.)
18. I get embarrassed a lot. 
19. I'm very independent.
20. I'm lazy and never motivated, except when it comes to sport.
21. I'm very competitive.
22. I'm stubborn. Extremely.
23. I'm not the type to dress up and go out.
24. I can't walk in heels.
25. I find the littlest things hilarious.
26. I don't take compliments well.
27. I cry over fictional characters and have an obsession with Ancient Greece and dinosaurs.
28. I would love to travel the world.
29. I'm dramatic and have been described as quirky.
30. Completely and utterly mental.

Agree with any of these things? Want to know anything else? Drop a comment, it'd be greatly appreciated! :D

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