Monday, 14 April 2014


You're probably wondering why I've done a post about pain and injuries, but last night I sneezed and bit my tongue when I did, and it bruised! It still hurts! So I decided to go through all the "bad" injuries I can remember getting.. 

And so we begin!

When I was about 1, my brother left the baby gate open on the stairs and being 1 ish, I was a littler adventurer. I climbed up the first 4 stairs and then my mum shouted me from the top and I looked up at her. As you may have noticed, baby's are quite top heavy and as I looked up, I fell backwards down the stairs, landing on my head, bum, you name it, I probably landed on it. My dad said he thought I was dead from the way I landed but fortunately enough I'm still here to tell the tale today and got out of that with just a fractured arm!


When I was about 8, me and my brother were on a field surrounded by trees around the corner from my house. Now being me, I was adventurous and climbed one of the trees.. (Get ready for it) Climbing up was the fine bit, I got up there fine and I was content up there for a while and then on the way down, it all went to pot. I don't even know what happened myself. One minute I was climbing down and the next I was falling to the ground. Then somehow I turned from my back to the ground to my face to the ground and hit the floor. Bad enough I landed on my face and my nose was pouring with blood (not broken though!) I landed in a nettle bush didn't I? Ouch isn't even the word.


I've had a lot of injuries in school over the time I was there, like most children. But there have only been a few "memorable" ones.. The only one from primary school that I can remember was when I fell over twice on the same day, in the exact same place in the playground and injured the exact same part of my knee. (You can call me unlucky..) There have also been two memorable times in secondary school where I've been injured. One time, we were playing bench hockey (if that's what it's even called) and our team won. (Yay, go us!) Anyway, I went into the middle of the gym and went to pick up the puck and this guy got really angry and swung his stick as I bent down. It was both of our faults really as I got in the way and he got too angry which all in all ended up with me getting hit in the face with the hockey stick.. I've also been hit in the face with a rounders ball, and I must say, both of these occasions have been quite painful. 

Talking about painful though, I tend to find that the smallest injuries cause the most pain. Like when you get a paper cut and it stings for ages or when you catch your little toe on the corner of a cupboard or stand on a Lego piece and it kills.. I nearly cry every time!

Anyway, what injuries have you ever had? What's the worst you've had or the most painful?

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