Monday, 28 July 2014



I'm so happy, you don't even understand it. I got the call on friday and I haven't stopped smiling since. :D

Anyway, on Saturday I went fishing with my dad.. I CAUGHT A FISH! Well I caught a few but I'm happy about that because I haven't been fishing with him for a while so I'm not used to doing it anymore. Anyway, it was nice spending time with him :)

Yesterday was the last day of the Giants Spectacular in Liverpool and me, my boyfriend and my mum went over to watch them pass through for the last time. It's safe to say, it was amazing! The detail in the giants features was just, excuse the pun, spectacular. I took a few photo's so I'm gonna put up my favourites ! :)

What have you guys been up to over the weekend then? Done anything fun? :)

Thursday, 24 July 2014


I'm just going to state straight off now, I should live in Antarctica or somewhere cold because i CAN NOT handle this heat! I feel like a witch, you know when they touch water they melt? I feel like that but with heat and not water, I'm physically melting and I don't have any spare height to give away, I'm small enough as it is!

As far as my application to Unilever is going, I've recently had the assessment centre and now all I have to do is air for my feedback. If I get it, I'll be ecstatic! If I don't I suppose I'll be a little downhearted but I mean, obviously it wasn't the job for me. Plus, they've said if we aren't successful, they'll give us feedback so we know what we're good at and not so good at, which will be really useful for the next time we do an interview..

I've been with my crush now in a relationship for a little over a week (so i can use boyfriend instead of crush now!) and compared to the last dreadful one I was in, I'm really happy, he makes me laugh, we like the same things, his friends are my friends so now I can just hope that we last haha! I mean, I really hope it does. :)

Anyway, as for today, I've just opened the front door to a delivery man while wearing short dungarees and no shirt at all.. I think it's safe to say that was embarrassing! :S But it's too hot to wear clothes! 

How are you all dealing with the heat? Ice baths? Cool showers? Or are you soaking it in and sunbathing? :)

Thursday, 17 July 2014


Hi guys! I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while! Not much has happened since last time really.. 

Although, I'm now in a relationship with my crush.. (inside I'm screaming..)!

Yesterday and today though, I've been messing around on GarageBand and I've posted the first thing I made on it.. So have a look, maybe subscribe and like it? It would do me a huge favour!

Monday, 7 July 2014


So, on Saturday I turned 18! But weirdly enough when I got the presents off of my parents, I started crying.. Don't ask me why, because I have no idea, but I started crying and me and my mum had to hug for about 5-10 minutes for me to calm down. (Weird, I know..)

Anyway, I got driving lessons, money, a game off of my brother (plus a weird little lego hobbit :P), a photo frame (in which I'm putting a picture of me and my brother in), perfume and chocolates! So overall, I think it was a good haul! 

At about 4, the driving instructor who taught my brother to drive turned up and off I went on my first driving lesson. It was so fun! It was a lot easier than I expected it to be too! I learnt the observations and that first and then I started to drive. The driving instructor said I should have been proud of myself because even though it was my first lesson I was smooth when changing gear, I got to 4th gear, 40mph, and I had already done junctions and red lights. He even let me drive home! Which was a shock as he said less than 20% of people on their 1st driving lesson get to drive home. So I'd like to say that I'm a natural when it comes to driving! ;)

After that me and my family went out for a meal, and as a surprise, my cousin and her family turned up to have the meal with us so that was lovely. Then, as a surprise to us all, my auntie and her husband turned up! It was so nice to be around them all! We went home around 10 ish i think but I can't remember.. (No, i wasn't drinking!)

Then yesterday, me and my mum went shopping to Liverpool. We got the 10 past 12 train over and at around about 4:40pm, we walked down to the marina so we could meet my dad. It was fun, I got a few things.. When I say a few, I spent £120 nearly. But I had a nice day, I haven't had a day out with my mum for ages so I really enjoyed it. :)

Here are some things I bought;

Today though I'm just going to relax so I'm calm for tomorrow night. I know it's while away but still! ;)

What did you guys do over the weekend? Anything fun?

Friday, 4 July 2014


I am halfway there to becoming an actual adult.. I'm not sure whether I should be happy about this.. 

The reason it's only halfway is because I officially, officially left school today, we had our leavers assembly. It was sweet, there were certificates, little presents and at the end there was a presentation full of pictures of everyone from year 7 to the end of year 13. Basically 7 years of our lives were spent there and even though everyone says "Thank god i've left" "I'm not sad i'm leaving" including me, I think everyone did get a little emotional.. Maybe on the inside because I've basically spend my whole teenage life there. Our head of year started crying saying she'd miss us and that she'd see everyone later at prom.. Too bad I'm not going..

Now that brings me round to the other half of becoming an adult.. As you may or may not know, I turn 18 tomorrow. This is the other half of me becoming an adult. The reason I'm not going to prom, (like I said in the last post), is because I don't really want to get in at 4am tomorrow to sleep until 1pm, to wake up and go for a driving lesson (my FIRST driving lesson) while hungover.. So I think my reasoning is pretty valid.

Did you have a Sixth Form prom? How was it? Any stories you'd like to share? ;)

Thursday, 3 July 2014


Hey guys, it is the 3rd July today and I've got a few things coming up over the next few days or even the next week.

Tomorrow is my school's leavers assembly for Sixth Form, which is me! So I have to go in at 9 for that so that should be nice to see everyone one last time. Also, tomorrow is also the day of our Sixth Form Prom, but, I'm not going. I used to be excited about going, I really did, like how my brother described his I was excited about going but since we've gotten a new head teacher it's just changed so I'm not going.

Another reason I'm not going is that, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY ON SATURDAY! Yes, just two days from now I turn the huge age of 18! I'm joking, it's not huge but it's a big birthday. I'm not having a party, unlike every other newly-turned 18 year old. I don't see the appeal in parties. I understand that everyone is happy and stuff but again, I don't see the appeal of bringing people over to my house or a venue, for me to watch them drink and get drunk on my behalf.. Even if they are my friends. Also on Saturday, I HAVE MY FIRST DRIVING LESSON! A present off of my parents. I'm nervous, but I'm excited at the same time.

Sunday, I doubt I'll be doing anything, probably just relaxing like Sundays are made for. :)

Monday, at 6-8pm me and my parents are going to a Work Familiarisation and Open Evening for my apprenticeship so I'm excited and nervous for that. 

So they're my plans for the next few days. What are yours? Or if you don't have any plans, what would you like to be doing over the next few days?

Wednesday, 2 July 2014


It's been that long since i've been planning this post that I can't even remember the date it was.. Serves me right for not making the post when i wanted to..

Anyway, not the weekend just gone, the weekend before, me and two friends went over to Liverpool. The main reason for this was so I could take some photos with Snap for my friend's Media Coursework..

This is Snap.. Well it's not Snap but it's a clone of Snap. You get the jist of it ;)

So I took some photo's for him of a museum in Liverpool.. (There are two, it's the newer one) and here some of them are;

Afterwards we walked around the docks and I took a few photo's of the Albert Dock;

After the docks, we walked around for a while before I came up with the idea to go and look at the new Wake Park in another dock nearby. So we walked over there and after we watched the boarders for a while, we decided that we wanted to go wake boarding and enquired about it.. Fortunately enough theres a sale on!

Last week was also my full last week in school and I spent most of it waiting for my new laptop to arrive in the school. While waiting for it one of my teachers told me that I was 10 BTec points or something away from getting a distinction in Science overall so I thought, why not? I got the 4 distinction that I needed to do in a few hours and now I have distinctions in both IT and Science. So yay for that!

Then on Monday I went into school because I was told that I was going to get my new laptop and surprise surprise, I didn't get it.. So I went home at the end of the day a bit p*ssed off and I sulked when I got home. This was due to the fact that I hadn't gotten my laptop and Unilever hadn't gotten back to me in the time they said they would have. In the middle of sulking though, I went back to the school to film a school show, it was A Little Shop of Horrors. It was amazing to watch and I loved it considering I'd never seen it before, film or production on stage.

Yesterday, I stayed home instead of going into school and my friend text me saying my laptop was in school and I got excited. Soon after though, he text me again saying that the head teacher wouldn't let me get it because she wanted to give me it in person tomorrow (which is today.) So i sulked again and got in a mood, all until Unilever finally emailed me back (after a few emails from myself asking what was going on) and I found out that I had gotten through the interview stage and was in the next stage! So that cheered me up immensely!

And finally, today! We are nearly up to speed! Today I was off again but hadn't heard anything from the school so I called them up at 11:20am and asked when they wanted me to come and collect it. They called me back at 11:40am and said, "can you come in for 12:00pm as the head is leaving at that time?" Considering that it takes me an hour to walk there I was like "No, sorry I can't." Then the IT technician called me soon after and said, come in whenever you can in the afternoon and I'll give you it. So when my mum came home I asked her to take me in and she agreed and at 2:00pm, I FINALLY HAD MY LAPTOP. 

I love it already!