It's been that long since i've been planning this post that I can't even remember the date it was.. Serves me right for not making the post when i wanted to..
Anyway, not the weekend just gone, the weekend before, me and two friends went over to Liverpool. The main reason for this was so I could take some photos with Snap for my friend's Media Coursework..
This is Snap.. Well it's not Snap but it's a clone of Snap. You get the jist of it ;)
So I took some photo's for him of a museum in Liverpool.. (There are two, it's the newer one) and here some of them are;
Afterwards we walked around the docks and I took a few photo's of the Albert Dock;
After the docks, we walked around for a while before I came up with the idea to go and look at the new Wake Park in another dock nearby. So we walked over there and after we watched the boarders for a while, we decided that we wanted to go wake boarding and enquired about it.. Fortunately enough theres a sale on!
Last week was also my full last week in school and I spent most of it waiting for my new laptop to arrive in the school. While waiting for it one of my teachers told me that I was 10 BTec points or something away from getting a distinction in Science overall so I thought, why not? I got the 4 distinction that I needed to do in a few hours and now I have distinctions in both IT and Science. So yay for that!
Then on Monday I went into school because I was told that I was going to get my new laptop and surprise surprise, I didn't get it.. So I went home at the end of the day a bit p*ssed off and I sulked when I got home. This was due to the fact that I hadn't gotten my laptop and Unilever hadn't gotten back to me in the time they said they would have. In the middle of sulking though, I went back to the school to film a school show, it was A Little Shop of Horrors. It was amazing to watch and I loved it considering I'd never seen it before, film or production on stage.
Yesterday, I stayed home instead of going into school and my friend text me saying my laptop was in school and I got excited. Soon after though, he text me again saying that the head teacher wouldn't let me get it because she wanted to give me it in person tomorrow (which is today.) So i sulked again and got in a mood, all until Unilever finally emailed me back (after a few emails from myself asking what was going on) and I found out that I had gotten through the interview stage and was in the next stage! So that cheered me up immensely!
And finally, today! We are nearly up to speed! Today I was off again but hadn't heard anything from the school so I called them up at 11:20am and asked when they wanted me to come and collect it. They called me back at 11:40am and said, "can you come in for 12:00pm as the head is leaving at that time?" Considering that it takes me an hour to walk there I was like "No, sorry I can't." Then the IT technician called me soon after and said, come in whenever you can in the afternoon and I'll give you it. So when my mum came home I asked her to take me in and she agreed and at 2:00pm, I FINALLY HAD MY LAPTOP.
I love it already!