Monday, 7 July 2014


So, on Saturday I turned 18! But weirdly enough when I got the presents off of my parents, I started crying.. Don't ask me why, because I have no idea, but I started crying and me and my mum had to hug for about 5-10 minutes for me to calm down. (Weird, I know..)

Anyway, I got driving lessons, money, a game off of my brother (plus a weird little lego hobbit :P), a photo frame (in which I'm putting a picture of me and my brother in), perfume and chocolates! So overall, I think it was a good haul! 

At about 4, the driving instructor who taught my brother to drive turned up and off I went on my first driving lesson. It was so fun! It was a lot easier than I expected it to be too! I learnt the observations and that first and then I started to drive. The driving instructor said I should have been proud of myself because even though it was my first lesson I was smooth when changing gear, I got to 4th gear, 40mph, and I had already done junctions and red lights. He even let me drive home! Which was a shock as he said less than 20% of people on their 1st driving lesson get to drive home. So I'd like to say that I'm a natural when it comes to driving! ;)

After that me and my family went out for a meal, and as a surprise, my cousin and her family turned up to have the meal with us so that was lovely. Then, as a surprise to us all, my auntie and her husband turned up! It was so nice to be around them all! We went home around 10 ish i think but I can't remember.. (No, i wasn't drinking!)

Then yesterday, me and my mum went shopping to Liverpool. We got the 10 past 12 train over and at around about 4:40pm, we walked down to the marina so we could meet my dad. It was fun, I got a few things.. When I say a few, I spent £120 nearly. But I had a nice day, I haven't had a day out with my mum for ages so I really enjoyed it. :)

Here are some things I bought;

Today though I'm just going to relax so I'm calm for tomorrow night. I know it's while away but still! ;)

What did you guys do over the weekend? Anything fun?

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