Friday, 20 June 2014


I'm so annoyed! So so f*cking annoyed! 

The amount of times in the last few weeks of school that I have been told that I'll have finished school by 20th June and for me to actually get here and have not finished has not impressed me big time. 

All because this teacher told me he was gonna help me for two hours and didn't turn up, then when i gave him my work didn't f*cking mark it. Looks like I'll have to go back on Monday to finish, oh yay.. -.- 

But for now, I'm going to calm down by watching a bit of SacconeJoly's, then spend the night in with my dad watching the FIFA World Cup. :)

Anything annoyed you guys recently? Was something supposed to happen and just didn't? Also, how do you all calm down when you're angry? I need new techniques.. :')

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