Sunday, 8 June 2014


Hi guys! Its been a while since my last post so I thought I'd come back and give you another update on how my life is going!

As you may or may not know if you've read the last few posts of my blog, I've applied for an apprenticeship with the company Unilever! They're this big company who are mixed in with almost everything, from food to shampoo! Anyway, I got a reply from my initial application telling me I had got to the next round of the process, which was a small online comprehension test. 

So I did a practise and thought, okay this be fine.. But when I got to doing the actual test, my heart was pounding and the 4 minutes I had for each test just flew by! So when I had finished, my heart sank because honestly, I feel like I've done terribly. It didn't even give me my results at the end so I have to wait for them to email me, telling me whether I was good enough or not :/ It's safe to say I'm nervous!

Recently, my school has been going through the process of changing from a normal school to an academy. This basically means that someone has been kind enough to sponsor the school and give it better things.. The name is changing, the uniform is changing and to be honest, I think everything is changing because it really needs it.

Anyway, the school put up a competition to design the new school badge, when our form tutor told us this we were like "Oh, we don't care.. We won't be here.." and then she told us first place prize is the new Apple iMac and 10 runner ups will be getting the new iPads and we were instantly getting involved.. So I designed one and gave it in and a few teachers have been telling me that they really like my design and that it was really imaginative, so I hope I win that! I mean, if I get a place in the apprenticeship and win the iMac, it'll be perfect!

In my first few posts I explained a situation I was in and I wasn't the happiest person alive around then. As an overview, basically the guy I speak to most in school, who I hang around with and work with has a girlfriend whose been off at uni for the last year. Me and this guy hadn't spoke much before this year and people starting telling his girlfriend that we were too close for comfort and it cause him and his girlfriend to argue over how close we were and whether we should speak or not, and for a while we didn't speak.

But recently, his girlfriend came back from uni and a few days ago she messaged me, apologising for making me feel like she hated me and wanted to hit me. I told her that I completely understood where she was coming from and that I was sorry for everything that I caused. Now, ever since we're just speaking about shit and it's great. I'm actually really glad we're getting along to be honest.

Anyway, that's all that's happened in my life since my last post, I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Anything happening in your lives? :) 

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