Friday, 28 March 2014


Yeeaaaahhhhhhh, time for the first fact Friday ever!

Honestly, I actually struggled finding a fact because.. I don't even know why to be quite honest, I didn't think anything was interesting enough. Anyway, this is the one I decided to choose.

"Only one person in two billion will live to be 116 or older."

I find this interesting because I can't really imagine what it'd be like to live that long. I mean, my dad always says that he wouldn't like to live to an age were he becomes dependant on everyone else and I can kind of understand where he is coming from.

But imagine living through a whole generation. Imagine seeing the world change over your entire life. Imagine how much you could achieve and see.

If I lived to 116, I'd have wanted a full life at least. I would have wanted a family, a successful job, travels all over the world. I don't think I would be able to live 116 years without a family. But then again, I wouldn't be able to cope with everyone I knew and was close to dying.

I suppose you'd constantly meet knew people, but I think having a rock would be nice. Someone to keep you stable and sane. That's how I'd live through 116 years.

Do you think you'd be able to cope? What would you do in your 116 years of living? 

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