Saturday, 31 May 2014


I've just realised something! Well about 20 minutes ago I realised something.. 

I'm a feminist...

Now before you all start going insane saying I'm all for woman and that I think women should rule the world, let me explain. First of all, you need to know the definition of Feminism and I shall show you.. 

The definition of Feminism is; The advocacy of women's rights on the ground of equality of the sexes.

Now.. Emphasis of the word "EQUALITY"! Feminists are not women lovers/worshippers or anything of the sort, they're simply people who believe that women and men should have the same rights, the exact same rights.

Now I'm not saying all men all men do this, but there are a few men in the world who believe that men are higher and rule over women. I'm sorry but please leave the earth and go back to the dark ages where you belong. Idiots. I'm all for being greeted by my friends in a degrading way, for example "Hey bitch/hoe" etc because I will reply in an equal way. 

But not for one second do I believe that men are higher than women or that women can not achieve as much as men. Because they can. It's as simple as that. I know some in religions and cultures that's just the way it is, and if it is ever gonna change its gonna take years. But when people say "Oh, you can't do that because you're a girl." or "Oh, you can't become that because you're a girl." It's just gonna make me try harder and harder to get there.



Because it is, no matter what anybody says, romance is nearly extinct.

To be honest, I'm completely sick of seeing things on Facebook and Twitter of kids saying they love their boyfriends/girlfriends after being with them for maybe an hour. What happened to a nervous guy being pushed by his friend to ask a girl he likes out to dinner with flowers?

What happened to going on dates before the first kiss and getting married before sex? (Maybe a bit of a stretch there but the concept still stands) It just annoys me nowadays how younger people, my age and sometimes younger find it completely acceptable to sleep around or date someone for a day. 

To be honest, whoever knows me personally will know I've never been in a relationship for more than a month and it's probably because of the way I think. Okay, yes, if I see a cute guy I want to be with him and being a girl I usually rush into things and that's how everything gets ruined. But with the way I think, if a cute guy came up to me all shy and asked me out on a date, no strings attached, no kiss at the end, no rushing into relationships, I'd probably immediately say yes.

I understand it when people say, "Now I'm single, I'm really happy." But I also understand it when people say, "I wish I had someone to cuddle up with at the end of the day.." The thing about relationships now is that both girls and boys find it okay to hurt the other half, by cheating, ignoring, beating (yes, it happens to both genders I know) The amount of people I know my age who have been cheated on is disgusting and unacceptable. I don't think anybody has heard of feelings anymore.

That's another topic really though isn't it? Sex? I mean the amount of people I know who would happily sleep with someone the one time and leave it is quite horrifying.. It also annoys me how couples rush into sex. I don't understand how girls have gone low enough to just give their virginity up to someone because her friends have, or because she thinks the guy will leave her if she doesn't agree. It's safe to say finding girls my age with their virginity still intact is pretty rare nowadays.

Yes, I can understand you losing it to someone you've been with for ages and you're sure you're ready but after a few weeks, maybe a month or two? No sorry.. I just don't understand you.. 

P.S. Sorry for the rant and the topic.. I just got annoyed about the whole subject for some reason.


Wednesday, 28 May 2014


I have now changed the blog! It's not Matriarch anymore, it's A Pinch Of Ginger! It is so for 2 simple reasons; 1. I am ginger! and 2. This blog gives you a pinch of an insight into my life. :D

My drawn favourite season is soon to be upon us.. SUMMER!  (Drawn with Winter because who doesn't love staying in bed all toasty warm and snow!)

But unlike the last few summers, I doubt I'll be doing anything because like you all know if you've read my first few blog posts, my social life have just gone downhill and no, its not all my fault.

So, I think my summer is going to be made of my birthday, starting to go to the gym, driving lessons, holiday with my family and so on.. Sounds fun huh ;)

Anyway, what are you all going to be doing this summer? Holiday? Trips? Tell me, I'm interested! You might give me ideas too! 


Since I posted my bucket list on my last post, as I was thinking about it, I just thought of more and more things I wanted to do. So I thought, instead of just adding more post of updated lists, I thought I'd make a page about it, and whenever I think of something else I want to do, I'll just add it to the page and tell you in a post when I've added something.. 

So here's the link to my >>>> BUCKET LIST <<<<

Tuesday, 27 May 2014


Hello again! Last post I said that I was going to post again with something about holidays and my bucket list and with a flip of a coin, it's been decided that I'll write about the idea of holidays first. 

Lately I've noticed that many people my age have been going on "holiday".. But their holidays are just excuses for them to go partying and drinking. Now, probably because I'm not much of a drinker, to me going out and drinking and partying just doesn't appeal to me. To me, a holiday is going to a place and getting to understand the culture, the history, just finding out about the place, tasting the foods there and being part of that place. That's what a holiday is. 

Anyway, onto the next topic.. MY BUCKET LIST! There are gonna be a few cringey ones in there but I don't care. 

  1. Be successful in whatever I do. (Hopefully IT Technician or just anything in IT really.
  2. Have a family.. (Basic human nature really)
  3. Learn to Snowboard
  4. Snowboard in the Alps
  5. Learn to Skateboard
  6. Go to the X Games and Winter X Games
  7. Go to the Olympics
  8. Get Tattoos
  9. Visit every continent
  10. Visit nearly every if not every country
  11. Write a book
  12. Learn to play an instrument
  13. Learn a second language fluently
  14. Fill a room with books I've read
  15. Meet my favourite celebrities
  16. Have a collection of hats
  17. Dive by the Great Barrier Reef
  18. Dive in the worlds biggest aquarium
  19. Visit wonders of the world
  20. Stay in an underwater hotel
  21. Own a Bentley and Harley
  22. Have a YouTube channel
  23. Go to a world premier
  24. Do the Rickshaw Run
  25. By my parents a house
  26. Cycle around the countries in the world
  27. Appear in a TV Programme/Film/Advert even if it's just in the background
  28. Safari in Africa
  29. Visit the Louvre
  30. Go to Disney World
  31. Dune Buggy in the desert
  32. Hot Air Balloon
  33. Drive a Tractor (Weird, I know)
  34. Be self sufficient (Farm!)


HELLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOO! I'm really sorry I haven't been here and written for ages, I just felt it wasn't good enough and I needed another hiatus.. But I'm back now! So hello friends!

Recently, I applied for an apprenticeship with Unilever. It's an IT apprenticeship that last for two years and if I get it, I get £250 a week. Now for a first job and for someone who finds it very easy to save money, that's amazing.

I worked out that if I give my mum £40 a week for keep (letting me stay in our house) and spend maybe £20-£30 a week , that leaves me £180 a week.. Times that by 4, which gives us £720 a month.. Times that by 12, which gives us £8,640 a year, times by 2 and I get that £17,280 in my bank account as savings by the end of it.

That's if I even get the apprenticeship and if I keep to that plan. I could get a car with that, the  insurance and even I'd be able to rent a flat for a while.. But, I'll stinge off my parents for as long as I can like ;)

Anyway, I've tried to go through a fitness phase and to be honest, I can never be bothered enough to do any exercise. I think that's probably because the exercises I try and do I don't enjoy. Like, I enjoy cycling and that is pretty much about it.

So I came up with this idea maybe an hour ago, because I was thinking of a SacconeJoly video where Jonathan goes cycling, you know like he does every week and I was thinking, because I really want to travel, and  I mean /really/ want to travel, maybe if  I got a bike, a really good one, I could travel on it.

Obviously the travels would just be small at first, cycle around Great Britain and then Ireland. Then I'd be cycling and seeing the world at the same time. Of course once I'd gotten used to doing it I'd move to other countries like France, Spain, Germany and then hopefully I could move to bigger countries like America and Canada.

This is just an idea, but I'd really, really, really like to do it. I thought as well that while doing it, I could start my YouTube channel then, filming it as I (or we, if someone wanted to do it with me..) travelled and learned about culture and history of the different countries and maybe even raised money for charity while doing it.

I'm literally gonna start writing the next post as soon as this one is published and it's gonna include my bucket list, and what I think travelling is because I feel like people my age don't even know the meaning of a holiday anymore.

P.S. I'm also going to change this account to a personal, so you will all find out my name, what I look like etc, etc.
